Kids Programs

Little Lights Christian Preschool and Daycare

At Little Lights Christian Preschool we believe that play is the work of children and that by providing a warm and nurturing environment that meets each child’s needs, children will flourish and develop in healthy ways. We achieve this goal by offering small class sizes, low student to teacher ratios, hands-on learning experiences, ongoing staff training, and many parent involvement opportunities all within a safe and fun learning atmosphere. The most important goals of our preschool curriculum is for our students to get along well with others and to become enthusiastic learners. We want children to become self-confident, independent learners who work well with others not just in preschool but throughout their entire educational journey.

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered to children age 3 to 11. We meet on Sunday mornings at 11:15 a.m. and end at about 12:15a.m., when the 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship church service ends.

The 3- and 4-year old children have their own classroom where they play with toys, hear a Bible story, make a craft, and sing Bible songs. Children in kindergarten through 5th grade meet together for a group opening, then each grade meets with their Sunday School teacher for a lesson. All of our Sunday School children are invited to participate in our Christmas and Easter pageants. You can register by downloading a registration form.

First Communion Class

Anyone who is part of God’s family and currently attending Sunday School is welcome to be part of the classes. One parent or guardian is asked to be in attendance with the child. If your child is interested, contact the church office or Pastor Jim.


We eagerly welcome your 6th-8th graders for our confirmation program. As they learn the basics of Christian teachings and what makes us Lutheran, they will develop personal relationships with our pastor, vicar, and dedicated volunteers – all people who take a personal interest in your child. They will also build friendships with peers as they explore faith issues that matter to their lives.

Vacation Bible School

Join us for our one-week Vacation Bible School this summer. Have fun, meet new friends, learn bible stories, make crafts and lots more. Watch for registration materials in early summer.